Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Addison!

It's hard to believe that this was me 3 years ago pregnant with Addison. We were doing fire works in the circle and I was supposed to be induced the following morning. The next morning I got a call saying that my induction date was going to be bumped because I was voluntary and they had a backlog because of the holiday. I was disappointed because for some reason (that I can't remember now) I really wanted her born on my birthday. So I went and worked out that morning hoping it would make me go into labor...that didn't work so Janet and I went and had spicy mexican go on that...then my neighbor Lorna convinced me to try Castor Oil...what was she/I thinking? Not only did it bring on labor, it did it with a vengeance! Within 2 hours of taking that nasty, vile, most disgusting liquid ever I was in labor!! I will spare the gory details of what else the Castor Oil brought on since the experience is forever carved to memory, but suffice to say that it was not pretty and I'm sure nurses everywhere curse and roll their eyes at patients (like me) who do stuff like that on purpose! But I got my way, and welcomed sweet little Addison into the world...on my birthday no less! She weighed in at an impressive 7 lbs 15 oz and 20 1/2 inches. My biggest kid at birth! She had a ton of hair and I remember that you could even see it in the ultrasound pics that Jenn took (as well as those CHEEKS!).
Addison was so sweet and loved Grandma Janet to rub and hold her feet. She was a good baby and never fussed much. She was and still is an awesome sleeper too. All the girls love to cuddle with Grandma and have her tickle their backs.

Addison's blessing picture. She looked like such a little angel...hard to believe I'd EVER want to put this sweet baby in time-out 3-4 times a day!

Right away we were taken by Addie's cheeks and sweet smile. She still has that sweet smile...but now it's used for alterior motives or to conceal something she doesn't want me to know about.

We did our best to take advantage of free flying under age 2 by going to San Francisco for Thanksgiving...
Rocky Point, Mexico with the cousins over Halloween...

And Stein Erickson in Utah over Labor Day one year. I look back and don't remember any of this being a big deal, probably because Addison was a great traveler and an easy kid (maybe she was priming me for the terrible 3's...). It's funny though, now just the thought of packing for 5 girls makes my head SPIN.

Cute little Addie posing for her 1-year pics.

She was so good to listen and the pictures turned out absolutely gorgeous!

Hey Mom, I've got my shades now so hurry and finish this post already so we can go swimming!

Hey sis, I can't believe you've been around for 3 years now! You are such a nut and we love you so much! You are so full of life and energy and we love your silly personality and the way you always make us smile. I don't love that as I'm blogging this post you are currently NOT potty-trained AND that you still steal poor little Emmy's bink sometimes...BUT that is you, and we will take the good with the bad since you are so dang adorable. I hope you will always know how much you are truly loved.


  1. I can't stand how cute all those pictures of her are! And it all started with that cute one of her in your belly...YOU are just as cute!
    Happy Birthday Addison!

    I miss my running buddy, and yes I have a vinyl sticker for you!

  2. Addison Even if you never get potty trained Aunt Jenny will always love you and you can come live with Colby. Happy Birthday my cute little niece!

  3. ummm, can you say adorable?!?! Nancy your babies are so sweet. I love Addison's smile, and how lucky to have such a easy going child! She was sent just for you. Her one year old pics are beautiful!! Who took them? I love the sepia one with her tutu!

    and you took Castor oil????? DId I know this? I have heard nightmare stories about that! I can't believe it took 2 hours and you were having little Addy! (I want full story on Wed)

    oh and lastly, people need to know that you were stick figure with little arms and legs, with just a belly! It was not fair, you were so darn in shape! I couldn't believe on your 4th pregnancy you were one hot mama!!!!!!

  4. She is way cute. I remember that day very well. I felt so bad for you. I know the effects of castor oil all too well. I did it with Alex also. You brought back bad bad bad memories.

    I love all of those cute pictures. I loved her chubby cheeks and still do. Now Emmy has them too. Your belly was way too cute. Aren't you glad you have those pictures. Now you need to post her b-day party.
