Addie had her first dance recital what seems like a million years ago now. It was really cute and Addie did really good up on stage. Her and Chloe, her BFF that lives next door were darling and you could tell they loved b
eing all dressed up.
The dance place wasn't very organized, but the end result was actually pretty cute considering it was dance and all and also that Dave and I felt completely out of our element. I guess we'd better change our attitude quick considering we might have a bazillion dance recitals on the horizon...
For what seemed like days on end we had rain, rain, and more rain. I thought we had fixed our flood problems in the basement day the kids started screaming all at once and flew up the stairs to tell me that water was coming in the window. I went downstairs and our window well was filled up about halfway and the water was just pouring in. I told the girls to go grab all the towels they could find and I grabbed a bucket and was bucketing water for about 40 minutes. The damage was not terrible, just enough to be annoying. No carpet replacement this time.
Lucky for me, the window well flooding happened 3 days in a row, always in the middle of the day when Dave was at work. By the end of the 3rd day I was not a happy camper. It was becoming a little too routine, so much that Ashley would remind me to go check the window wells every time it started to rain. This is me, thinking really bad thoughts, saying lots of bad words out loud and in my head (more out loud), before Dave finally solved the problem by cleaning the drain out and installing a sump pump. What the crap? There is a reason I don't live in Seattle!
Emmy has been eating solid foods for a while now, and therefore is always in the tub because she manages to make a mess everywhere when she eats! Her new favorite thing is putting food in her hair. Another favorite thing right now is pooping. This kid is seriously a machine. She puts any male I've ever known to shame. On a daily basis I probably only have maybe 1 or 2 wet diapers, the remaining 5 or so contain evidence that her diet is not lacking in vari
ety. She is super cute, so even though she's super stinky, it's almost forgiveable (almost). In this
pic she is sitting in the sink because apparently bathwater relaxes her bowels. I had to clean up the schrapnel in the tub and so this was her "time-out". Nasty, I know. Unfortunately she is in good company because all of my kids have done this at some point. I can't think about it too hard because it grosses me out...but not for long when she grins at me like this. Emery had her 9 month well-child check-up today and weighed in at a healthy 17 lbs. She is above average height, average weight, and her incredibly large melon is off the chart. Big brains are a good thing right?
Natalie had her first dance recital a few weeks ago as well. She did fantastic and I loved seeing her all girly up on stage. When Nat first asked to do ballet, it didn't seem to fit her personality. We were pleasantly surprised to find that she was good at it, was actually very graceful, and she looked absolutely stunning on her big night.Nat got to pick what to eat for dinner that night, so big surprise, she picked shrimp! Sounds good, right?...Wrong. She picked Sizzler since she'd seen a commercial for all-you-can-eat shrimp. That place was bizarre, it's in Sandy, but it may as well be in the hood. I must have missed the sign that said "People with missing teeth and sweat pants welcome here". Ash and Nat were being so silly that night, we all had a lot of fun...especially since we didn't have the other 2 troublemakers with us.
Steak and shrimp...this kid is going to be an expensive date one day!
The kids started swimming lessons a few weeks back and they are all loving it. Ashley is a really good, strong swimmer and it's so fun to watch her form improve weekly. Natalie is doing great in her class and is a good listener. Addison thinks everything is fun in the water and has a huge smile on her face for most of the lesson. They are all so much fun to watch and I love that they can swim. I still can't even jump in a pool w/o plugging my nose.
I love Ashley's nose on the last picture. Cute. Adri had fun yesterday. Thanks for taking her. Summer is flying and I'm just starting too. Last day of school. Nattie looked so cute. Good job dolling her up. The window well pictures bring back good memories. I laughed so hard. Hope nothing happened today. Hopefully we will find time to have lazy summer day at the pool soon!!!!! If our schedules work out.
ReplyDeleteOk Nancy, I gotta say it. . . go back to your window-well picture and think about what you would look like/be doing if you lived in South America. I see a bucket, some tin flashing, a hard working senorita. . . . I love it!!
ReplyDeleteNat's funny! (both Nat's are actually).
ReplyDeleteI guess that you can say that Emmy is a true Hansen... she has a huge noggin, likes to eat, and is stinky! Hahaha!!
Happy Birthday ya old lady!!!! I hope you and Addison have a fabulous b-day.